Sunday 14 September 2014

Not just 'reassuringly' expensive

Reassuringly is a clever word to use for a product that is knowingly expensive. Stella Artois no longer markets itself under that label, but lots of other people do. Thames Valley Farmers Markets is a company, or franchise, that seems to encourage its vendors  to ramp up prices to sometimes eye-watering levels, and for products that are not so very different from the better supermarket lines. But sometimes you do get something really unique, something genuinely worth double the price. Like

 this cheese. Two years old, a bit crumbly but incredibly powerful. The market's monthly visit to my village is the only time you can get cheese with your ploughmans that tastes stronger than your pickled onions.  It makes 'Seriously Strong Cheddar' taste absolutely mild. There's a kind of noble rot going underneath all the other tastes. Great if you like that sort of thing.  And it's not *that* dear!
They don't normally misspell the label, either.

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